Oriental Research Institute and Manuscripts Library is one of India’slargest Manuscripts libraries, with a history starting from 1908. The manuscriptscollection in the Palace Library of the Royal Dynasty of Travancore created thenucleus of this Institution. From there, it has grown … Read More
Oriental Research Institute and Manuscripts Library
Is one of India’s largest Manuscripts libraries, with a history starting from 1908.
The functions of this department include
Research activities, editing and publication of manuscripts and teaching-learning process.
More than 65000 Manuscripts
One of the largest palm leaf collections in India. Made part of University of Kerala since 1938
Oriental Research Institute and Manuscripts Library
Oriental Research Institute and Manuscripts Library is one of India’s largest Manuscripts libraries, with a history starting from 1908. The manuscripts collection in the Palace Library of the Royal Dynasty of Travancore created the nucleus of this Institution. From there, it has grown into one of India’s most important manuscripts libraries by collecting different types of manuscripts from Kerala and other parts of India. This institution became part of the University of Travancore in 1940, and now it is one of the prestigious academic institutions and Indological Research Centre of the University of Kerala. The vast collection of manuscripts in the library attracts visitors world-wide. more …

The functions of this department include research activities, editing and publication of manuscripts and teaching-learning process. The Department publishes two prestigious journals, ‘The Journal of Manuscript Studies’, which is a UGC care listed journal and ‘Pracheena Kairali’. The other three series of publications of the Department include The Trivandrum Malayalam Series, The Trivandrum Sanskrit Series and The Trivandrum Tamil Series for editing and publishing manuscripts. more …

Oriental Research Institute and Manuscripts Library – Brief History
Posted by admin
Oriental Research Institute and Manuscripts Library is one of India’slargest Manuscripts libraries, with a history starting from 1908. The manuscriptscollection in the Palace Library of the Royal Dynasty of Travancore created thenucleus of this Institution. From there, it has grown … Read More
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ഓറിയെൻ്റൽ റിസർച്ച് ഇൻസ്റ്റിറ്റ്യൂട്ട് & മാനുസ്ക്രിപ്റ്റ് സ് ലൈബ്രറി 12.11.2024 മുതൽ 14.11.2024 വരെ The Art and Science of Manuscript Studies എന്ന വിഷയത്തിൽ National Seminar സംഘടിപ്പിക്കുന്നു. Manuscriptology Palaeography, Textual Criticism, Calligraphy Digital Humanities,Digital Cataloguing, Digitization തുടങ്ങി നിരവധി വിഷയങ്ങൾ സെമിനാറിൽ അവതരിപ്പിക്കുന്നു. ഈ മേഖലകളിലെ വിദഗ്ദ്ധരാണ് ക്ലാസുകൾ നയിക്കുന്നത്. താല്പര്യമുള്ള എല്ലാവരെയും സെമിനാറിലേയ്ക്ക് സ്വാഗതം ചെയ്യുന്നു
November 11, 2024
Inviting applications for MA Manuscriptology
March 20, 2023