Dr. J. P. Prajith

Dr. J. P. Prajith
Assistant Professor
Phone (Off) : 04712308421
Mobile : 9400288791
Email : drjpprajith@gmail.com
Dr.J.P.Prajith is a scholar in Kerala Tantric Literature. After the
completion of his MA Degree in Sanskrit literature, he got his PhD degree on
the study of Tantric literature from Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit
in 2009. He worked as the Assistant Professor in Sree Narayana Colleges for ten
years. He got an award from kanchi Kamakodi Mutt in 2010 and another Award from Kerala Sahitya Academy in 2014. More than
twenty papers were presented in National and Inter National Seminars and
Conferences. He published three books. Ten research articles are published in
various Research Journals and most of them are UGC CARE listed. |
1. MA in Sanskrit
Sahitya |
Articles Published in Reputed Journals i.
Books Published Tantrasahityam (Malayalam) published by the State Institute of Language, Kerala, Co-Author Tantrikata Samskaram Darsanam , Ernakulam, ISBN-978-93-84329-10-5. May 2010.
Evolution of Tantric Culture, Published by Kaveri Books New Delhi Ed 1st 2018-ISDN 978-81-7479-209-9
Bhasha tantra – Padavum Padanavum, State Language Institute, Trivandrum. |